Tag Archives: web design

New Work: Tile Roofing

In 2019, we were approached to develop a complete overhaul of the website for Tile Roofing, a one-stop information hub for the Tile Roofing Alliance, an organization “dedicated to building awareness of both clay and concrete roof tile’s benefits, providing technical expertise, and offering training and certification for code-approved tile roof installation.” It would be Read More

New Work: The Runaway Spoon

Memphian Perre Magness has been writing about food for many years. An accomplished cook, her website, The Runaway Spoon, had design that needed a refresh and needed a few updates to give visitors a better user experience. Perre had a few simple requests: she wanted the website to have a more contemporary design, add printable Read More

Getting the Most Out Of Tech Support

Let’s face it, nobody wants to call tech support. NOBODY. The mere thought of it used to crank my anxiety up to eleven. After years of managing other people’s web properties, I’ve gotten fairly comfortable with speaking with the folks on the other end of the line or chat window. Over time I’ve gotten pretty Read More

The Website Build Process: Wireframes, Design and Code

When building websites from the ground up, there’s a three step process: Wireframing Designing Coding The three steps taken are similar to that of constructing a home. Wireframes Wireframes are like blueprints. They’re called wireframes because they’re literally lines, which look like wires. For example, a logo is represented by a rectangle with the word “Logo” Read More

Permelia Media at Nashville Design Week 2018

Permelia Media’s own Beth Downey will be speaking at the inaugural Nashville Design Week. “A roundtable conversation focused around imposter syndrome, negotiating compensation, and getting paid. Have you ever felt like you’re the only person in the room who doesn’t know what’s going on? Or felt like you couldn’t as for a raise because you Read More

The Myth of “Custom Solutions”

There’s a constant when it comes to website design and development: Whether you’re working with a solopreneur who manages her own website or a larger business with a marketing team, clients want their websites to have a custom look that’s tailored to their brand. No matter the size of the business, the clients I deal Read More

Who Has The Keys?

As a web developer and small business owner, I believe it is my lot in life to advocate on behalf of my clients even if I am advocating for them to them. It’s a “help me help you!” plea in most cases. When the same issue pops up multiple times to the unsuspecting owner/manager of Read More