Category Archives: Cautionary Tales

Rectifying Mistakes and Holding Myself Accountable

Written on February 7, 2024 at 4:05 pm, by

When we look at business owners, a lot of times we tend to think they’ve got it figured out. We see a lot of successes — but oftentimes don’t see the bad decisions that come into play. Every business owner makes them. I’ve made them & I make them more than I’ve ever discussed. Until Read More

WordPress Plugins: The Fewer, The Better

Written on May 15, 2019 at 9:30 am, by

I own and maintain two personal websites – one that dates back to when I worked solely as a graphic designer for print. It showcases the work I completed at the time. The other is the one you’re reading now. Both operate with plugins that perform various operations for specific functionality, for example finessing SEO, Read More

Adventures with Malware

Written on January 31, 2019 at 8:43 pm, by

By now, everyone is familiar with computer viruses, even if they have had the good fortune to not have dealt directly with one. Most of the time when people are talking about computer viruses, they’re actually referencing malware. Malware is a word derived from “malicious software.” It’s an umbrella term that describes any hostile program Read More

Investing in Quality Website Photos

Written on December 5, 2018 at 12:40 am, by

When I sit down to write on my blog, it’s usually prompted by a real world scenario that I use to help the reader avoid a potential pitfall. Today, let’s talk about website photos; specifically, don’t be cheap with your website photos. Here are two reasons why: Your website photos are what jumps out at the Read More

A (Cautionary) Tale of Two Logos

Written on August 30, 2018 at 2:23 pm, by

Below you will see two logos. They’re remarkably similar. I have no idea which logo was produced first so I have no idea who copied whom. But to use the exact same fonts and everything – that’s super blatant. This is an example of why you should know your logo designer as well as why he/she Read More